About C60 Evo

About C60 Evo’s ESS60

Why Choose C60 Evo Over Other Brands?

Quality Oils, Purity & Concentration Levels. The Best Tasting Organic Oils Available.

Buy from the Only Lab in America Manufacturing C60 for the Last 30 Years with Integrity.

About C60 Evo’s ESS60

Why Choose C60 Evo Over Other Brands?

Quality Oils, Purity & Concentration Levels. The Best Tasting Organic Oils Available.

Buy from the Only Lab in America Manufacturing C60 for the Last 30 Years with Integrity.

Our ESS60 was used in the original “2012 Paris Baati Study” where lab rats lived 90% longer than the other test subjects. There were three groups of mammals: One group was given water (the control group), another group was given olive oil, and the third group was given olive oil with C60 (ESS60) in it. The olive oil group lived 30% longer than the control group who were given water. The test subjects that ingested olive oil with ESS60 not only lived twice as long as the control group, but also very important, the rats who ingested our ESS60 died without any tumors which is very uncommon.

More Reasons to Use C60 Evo’s ESS60

C60 Evo Lab
C60 Evo Lab
C60 Evo’s 100% pure ESS60 is processed to be safe for human consumption. Some (other) C60 products on the market have been found to contain solvents which are known be dangerous to your health.

C60 Evo’s ESS60/C60 are also always mixed with high-quality organic oils. Be aware that some companies selling C60 products in MCT oils are using palm oil rather than organic coconut oil.

Our products are never heated (sonicated), because oils can go rancid easily at high temperatures. The way that sonication units work is they create sound waves that are bombarding the fluid from all directions. Waves from
different angles will coincide to get “peaks” that create micro-scale areas of extremely high temperatures. So although sonication may not be raising the temperature of the entire batch that much, it does heat micro-scale areas within the batch to extremely high temperatures. There is research that shows oils going rancid during sonication and for this reason we never sonicate C60 Evo products.

Another important aspect of mixing ESS60 correctly with oil is to be sure that it doesn’t get oxidized. The only way to be assured that this will not happen is to mix your product in oxygen-free production vessels that are positively pressured with an inert unreactive gas to ensure no oxidation.

C60 Evo formulations are mixed for three weeks to be sure that the saturation of ESS60 reaches their maximum levels. For reference, the maximum levels that each oil holds are noted below:

  • Coconut oil holds .35 mg/mL’s of C60 – No matter how long it is stirred or how much ESS60/C60 is added.
  • Avocado oil holds .6 mg/mL’s of ESS60/C60.
  • Olive oil holds .8 mg/mL of ESS60/C60 – This is why we recommend C60 Evo Olive Oil!
Note: if you receive your C60 Evo product when outside temperatures are colder the product may coagulate and become more viscous or solid. Don’t worry, just all the product to come to room temperature and it will normalize. It is important to keep your C60 Evo products out of direct sunlight as well.

Why Buy From Us?

Because we are the largest C60 manufacturer/distributor in the world, and we sell the safest C60 product available today, 100% pure ESS60.

Our ESS60 was used in the original “2012 Paris Baati Study” where lab rats lived 90% longer than the other test subjects. There were three groups of mammals: One group was given water (the control group), another group was given olive oil, and the third group was given olive oil with C60 (ESS60) in it. The olive oil group lived 30% longer than the control group who were given water. The test subjects that ingested olive oil with ESS60 not only lived twice as long as the control group, but also very important, the rats who ingested our ESS60 died without any tumors which is very uncommon.

C60 Evo Lab

More Reasons to Use C60 Evo’s ESS60

C60 Evo’s 100% pure ESS60 is processed to be safe for human consumption. Some (other) C60 products on the market have been found to contain solvents which are known be dangerous to your health.

C60 Evo’s ESS60/C60 are also always mixed with high-quality organic oils. Be aware that some companies selling C60 products in MCT oils are using palm oil rather than organic coconut oil.

C60 Evo Lab
Our products are never heated (sonicated), because oils can go rancid easily at high temperatures. The way that sonication units work is they create sound waves that are bombarding the fluid from all directions. Waves from different angles will coincide to get “peaks” that create micro-scale areas of extremely high temperatures. So although sonication may not be raising the temperature of the entire batch that much, it does heat micro-scale areas within the batch to extremely high temperatures. There is research that shows oils going rancid during sonication and for this reason we never sonicate C60 Evo products.

Another important aspect of mixing ESS60 correctly with oil is to be sure that it doesn’t get oxidized. The only way to be assured that this will not happen is to mix your product in oxygen-free production vessels that are positively pressured with an inert unreactive gas to ensure no oxidation.

C60 Evo formulations are mixed for three weeks to be sure that the saturation of ESS60 reaches their maximum levels. For reference, the maximum levels that each oil holds are noted below:

  • Coconut oil holds .35 mg/mL’s of C60 – No matter how long it is stirred or how much ESS60/C60 is added.
  • Avocado oil holds .6 mg/mL’s of ESS60/C60.
  • Olive oil holds .8 mg/mL of ESS60/C60 – This is why we recommend C60 Evo Olive Oil!

Note: if you receive your C60 Evo product when outside temperatures are colder the product may coagulate and become more viscous or solid. Don’t worry, just all the product to come to room temperature and it will normalize. It is important to keep your C60 Evo products out of direct sunlight as well.

Why Buy From Us?

Because we are the largest C60 manufacturer/distributor in the world, and we sell the safest C60 product available today, 100% pure ESS60.

How Do We Produce Our C60 (ESS60)?

The most common way we manufacture C60 is with a carbon arc. We take two graphite rods and vaporize the graphite so that it frees up individual carbon molecule pairs (C2). Those pairs coalesce into the shape of a buckyball. This is the production process with the highest yield.

The resulting product is carbon fullerene soot, and that soot tends to have between 5-10% fullerenes. The remaining material is comprised of amorphous carbons which are different from fullerenes, and are not known to be good for your health.

Next we separate the fullerenes from the amorphous carbons by soaking them in an organic solvent (ie toluene, hexane, etc) to dissolve the fullerenes. We then filter the solution and the amorphous carbons form a cake on the top of the filter and what comes through the filter are the fullerenes in solution.

The solvent is boiled off and collected to be recycled. The black powder that is left on the side of the flask after evaporation is a mix of fullerenes, and is typically 70% C60 and 30% C70 which we further refine for our other C60 products. Chromatography is one of the best ways for separation, which is how we do it in our laboratory.

The final and most important step for making ESS60 Supplements is to remove the residual solvents. Our process uses a vacuum oven at elevated temperatures to bake off all the solvents. We finish with a washing process to further clean the product and the result is “ESS60” or C60 as it has become known to the public for the last few years.

All of our plastic bottles are made from BPA-free PET plastic. Our Advanced Facial Serum and the ESS60 activator oil for the Youth Re-New and Hair Renewal products are packaged in glass bottles. We have recently redesigned our labels, so you may experience some product images in the website that have not yet been updated to the new images, as this continues to be a work in progress.

Due to sustained material cost increases, we will be implementing our first price adjustment in five years, effective August 2024. To ensure you receive the best value, we suggest considering our monthly subscriptions, sets, and/or cases.

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.